Wow, this looks pretty handy. I've been checking some of the other libraries uses for and found a couple site I can use. Yahoo Bookmarks look handy too seems like a good site too. I wish I had more time to explore these sites, but today has been a crazy one. Not too much time to work on 23 Things and really check out the links like I want to.
I love to tag! It's like putting my personal stamp on everything. (We have to leave our mark - ha, ha - like a cat!) No wonder it's so popular. Us.ef.ul - A beginner's guide to The Next Big Thing - was funny and useful.
I have created an account in and imported my favorites from my work PC. Very easy to do from the directions. Now, I'd like to follow through on my laptop. Good lord, I hope I never forget my username & passwords.
We Moved!!!
13 years ago