Personally I love widgets - I even love the name, widget, sounds like Gidget, but enough rambling on and about. As Jennifer says, on Learning 2.1,essentially, a widget is a small, interactive program that allows quick access to often-used tools or information. (or check Google) Most – though far from all – widgets are connected to the Internet. Some are very practical; some are just for fun. I have put widgets on ACLS's teen myspace page but I love to find more.
On myminis I clicked Startpage to try some out w/o creating an account. I grabbed a template of "news" to try out, followed by grabbing more minis, which is so darn easy,and dragged them over to my page.Fun, I changed the colors on the clock and in fact I had widgets coming out my ears!
I'm not sure about adding some to the library's website. People like to personalize their own pages and I hate to see our homepage get too cluttered. Perhaps adding the Flickr widget to our site would be helpful, (only if we could set it somehow to our pics)but for now we already have the free account and a new webpage is set up to house video and more.
We Moved!!!
13 years ago