Wednesday, May 15, 2013


AmandineAmandine by Marlena De Blasi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tiny Almadine, born with a defective heart and a defective royal family, is left at a French convent in 1931. Also left with her is a large sum of money to ensure the silence of those who take care of Almadine. Solange is chosen to care for the infant and the entire Carmelite convent falls for the adorable Almandine, all except for Mater Paul. As Almadine grows older, more astute and more healthy, she enters the convent school but is shunned by her peers, until she wins them over by embarrassing Mater Paul. However when Almadine is almost murdered, Solange decides to leave the so called safety of the convent and take her to her own family home across war torn France. New friends called resistantes, enemies, and danger meet them at every point along the way.

A book full of sadness, hope, history, and the fragility of life...

View all my reviews

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