Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Bridge: A NovelThe Bridge: A Novel by Karen Kingsbury
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Charlie and Donna Barton have given their all to those who enter their quaint little bookstore in Franklin, Tennessee. It has been a meeting place for students, young lovers, and getaways for older married couples. When the 100 year flood rolls through and ruins their inventory, there is no money to restock the shelves and Charlie, especially, feels as though life is over. As he mulls over his future, Charlie realizes that he's worth more dead then alive and actually puts thought into planning an "accident." As his car begins to slip on the icy road home, Charlie is distraught over what Donna will go through after his death - but the car has already lost traction...

Karen Kingsbury writes another little inspirational book for Christmas, reminding me of the first wonderful little books I read of hers - the Red Glove series.

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