Monday, February 7, 2011

The Wishing Trees

The Wishing TreesThe Wishing Trees by John Shors

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A lovely, moving book about a father and daughter who are struggling at moving on after the death of the woman they both love. Years ago an Australian boy, Ian falls in love with an American girl, Kate, while working in Japan. Tramping around Asia, the couple decide to marry and move back to America, where they produce a daughter, Mattie, who has her mother's artistic skills. As Ian and Kate's 15th anniversary draws nearer, they plan another romp around Asia, but cancer interrupts their plans. However, 10 months after Kate's death, Ian opens a box, with a letter from Kate imploring him to continue with the trip to Asia in hopes that he and Mattie will learn to be happy and laugh again. Needed: plenty of tissues.

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