Friday, July 22, 2011

Promises to Keep

Promises to KeepPromises to Keep by Ann Tatlock

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It's the 1960s, the middle of the Cold War and eleven year old Roz's world has been turned upside down. Her mom has left her dad, taking Wally, her teenage brother, baby sister Valerie and Roz to a small town in Illinois, where her Grandpa lives. Even though her father had abused her mother, Roz still wants them back together. When she makes a new friend named Mara, who misses her own father, both plot to get their dads back. The stabilizing force in the middle of all this chaos is wise, old Tillie Monroe, who helped build the house that Roz and her family now occupy, and decides to move right back in and take over.

This is one of the best books I've read, and as a child of the 60's I can relate to so many of the external events. Definitely a feel good book told from the eyes of an eleven year child with wonderful, interesting, lovable characters like Tillie.

View all my reviews

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