Monday, May 20, 2013

Tapestry of Fortunes

Tapestry of FortunesTapestry of Fortunes by Elizabeth Berg
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Cecilia, a motivational speaker always on the road, lost so much when cancer claimed her best friend, Penny. Their lives were so intertwined that to move ahead seems unthinkable. How can Cecilia give motivating speeches when she herself can not get out of her funk? How many years had Penny asked her to slow down and enjoy life in the moment? In a moment of clear thought, Cecilia knows it's time to move on. She downsizes, sells her lovely home in Michigan, and moves in with three other women. She also decides to volunteer at a palliative care home and search for an boyfriend. Things get interesting when the four women decide to take a road trip to look for answers to their life questions.

Elizabeth Berg is well-known for getting inside a woman's head and putting the thoughts to paper for us to enjoy...

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