Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Storyteller

The StorytellerThe Storyteller by Jodi Picoult
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sage carries many scars - one very noticeable scar on her face but many more hide internally. The scars lead her to hide as a baker, kneading and baking the most aromatic rolls and breads through the dark nights for the little bakery and also "allows" her affair with a married man. As Sage tries to work through her grief in a group setting, she meets an old retired 90something teacher, Josef Weber, that frequents the bakery with his beloved dog. Their friendship deepens until Josef asks for a favor - a unbelievable favor that astounds and enrages Sage and makes her immediately think of her Jewish grandmother.

An amazing book with a deep, complex plot told narratively by several characters, including Sage and Josef. It was a book I couldn't put down, staying up night after night until the wee hours - questioning myself about the moral complications that were woven throughout the Storyteller. It left me quite unsettled...still..

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