Monday, July 16, 2007

#15 Web 2.0, Library 2.0

Pay close attention to this clip on youtube because it is fast - "The Machine is Us/ing Us" - With Library 2.0, I believe it is a little easier for me to accept the coming changes within the library. I'm coming to my library career later in my life, after being a graphic artist for a magazine with a circ around the world and then being a stay-at-home mom for many years - so I'm not resistant to the changes in the air. Already loving technology for what it can do for me, our system needs to keep up. Our digital natives around us will be beyond us if we don't. Don't get me wrong, I love to read, read, read! But, we need to embrace and work with technology that can work for us.

I really enjoyed - Away from the “icebergs” by Rick Anderson. I agree; I'm glad we are already paddling.

From Michael Stephens: Librarian 2.0 also listens to staff and users when planning, tells the stories of successes and failures, learns from both, celebrates those successes, allows staff time to play and learn, and never stops dreaming about the best library services. Amen.

I also like what Dr. Wendy Schultz says: Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities: they preserve and promote community memories; they provide mentors not only for the exploration of stored memory, but also for the creation of new artifacts of memory. I love our little G.C.library; it's like a community center for adults & kids. Library 4.0 made me snigger. He, he.

In a ripple effect - Self-checkout for books, kinda like WalMart, my daughter loves it. She doesn't hesitate to scan a huge order of food, clothes, and supplies. Again, self-empowerment. Ovid-Elsie Schools - they really got it going on. Wow! Talk about ahead of the pack.

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